Plug-n-Play USB and
Over-The-Air Programming

Highly Efficient (upto 96%)
for Portable Applications

Integrated IMU,
Environment Sensor, uSD
Slot, RGB LED, etc.

Breadboard Friendly
Stackable Modules

Open Source Hardware
and Software

Longetivity Commitment
In Production Till 2026
Core Features
- FCC Certified ESP-WROOM-32 Module
with WiFi and Bluetooth (legacy and BLE) - Touch Sensitive Input Pins
- All Pins exposed on breadboard friendly headers
- Reconfigurable pins for on-board peripheral
- Designed for use with Li-Ion battery
- Input Voltage Range 2.5V – 5.5V; Output 3.3V@2.5A
- Programmable via USB and Wi-Fi (comes with OTA)
- Pin layout similar to NodeMCU boards
- Ready-to-use sample application codes
Hardware Overview
- CP2102N – USB-UART Bridge with auto reset, boot-mode selection, and shutdown on no USB
- BME280 – Temperature, Pressure Humidity Sensor
- BMC150 – IMU e-Compass
- MCP73832 – 500mA Li-Ion Charger
- FAN49100 Buck/Boost Power Regulator (3.3V 2.5A)
- Micro SD Card Holder
- Resistive Voltage Divider for Battery monitoring
- Sturdy Micro USB Connector with ESD Protection and power-path management
- Beautiful RGB LED

- Thingspeak Environment Monitor
- MQTT Home Automation Node
- BLE IMU Monitor
Programming Options
Supports Programming with:
- C / C++ with Arduino IDE, Platformio, and ESP-IDF
- Espruino (Javascript)
- Mongoose OS (Javascript / C)
- mRuby (Ruby)
- MicroPython
- Simba (Python)
- Zernyth (Python)
- Whitecat Ecosystem (Graphical or LUA)
- Visuino (Graphical)
- TUNIOT (Graphical)

- Battery pack (1 cell / 2 cell)
- I2S DAC and ADC (with stereo amplifier and mic)
- OLED Display shield
- Proximity, gesture and light sensor shield
- Sensor pack (lots of sensors)
- Port expander when you need even more GPIO pins
- More power shield (Fast charge and Battery Management System)
- 18650 Holder base-board
- LED Matrix shield
- Touchpad / touch slider shield (optional: with OLED connector)
- GSM + GPS/GNSS shield
- Analog TV out ASIC ?
- Relay / SSR board
- Servo expansion board
- Motor control shield
- LoRa expansion
- CC2102 sub-GHz expansion

Compatible with Linux, Mac and Windows, including x86 and ARM (Hello Raspberry!)
Copyright © Karyni 2017 - 2023 Intelener Srl